Monday, June 28, 2010

Does This Blog Make My Ass Look Fat?

::enter dramatic revealing motion here::

Since we are 40+ followers strong I figured it was time to get a little work done. 
So Becca from Jumping Jax Designs helped me get all gussied up for you!

I had an idea of what I wanted (based upon awesome work Becca did on other blogs) but I couldn't articulate it because I am not as creative as I'd like to think.
I was a huge pain in the ass and Becca was so sweet to act like I wasn't (though Im sure there were a few curses uttered every time she saw my damn email address in her inbox.)
Aside from running a business and taking care of their sweet little boy, Jaxton, Becca and her husband also have a blog (yes, he is that adorable..he writes posts too!)  
The Paro's been through a lot as a family and it's all worth reading!
Beccas Blog
Here is a little taste of what The Paro Post has to offer!
Just Wait
When I was pregnant, lots of people liked to tell me "just wait"s about having a baby, the end of pregnancy, sleepless nights, "cherish each moment...time flies!" etc. etc. Of course, I either didn't believe them or didn't take their advice to heart, and had to learn those things for myself, firsthand. I think that this is true for most pregnant women, as being a mother is something so inane and difficult, yet wonderful at the same time, that you just have to go through it to truly understand. Anyway, I was a girl who thought the "just wait"s were annoying.

And now? To those who whine about not being able to sleep while pregnant, I want to tell them about the fun of waking up every 2 hours with a screaming newborn. Essentially, I want to be the one saying "just wait". BUT, I know how obnoxious and condescending that sometimes sounded to me when I was still pregnant, so I keep my mouth shut.

Friday afternoon, I was at WalMart (::gasp:: the horror!) loading bags into the back of the Murano while balancing a toddler on my hip. I was, in short, a hot mess. My only slightly too large jeans weren't quite staying up, I was holding the stroller in place with one foot (stupid me forgot to lock the thing) and my face had become sweaty because I'm so out of shape that even a grocery/toddler-wrangling session makes me a little out of breath. Yes, I could have put Jax in the car first, but I knew he would throw one of his wonderful temper tantrums about sitting in a warm car for a few minutes because it was past his lunchtime, so I opted to juggle him with the groceries.

Anyway, about this time, two third trimester pregnant, trophy-wife-looking twenty somethings walked by in their designer maternity jeans with their perfectly styled hair and scoffed at me and my hot mess of a self. I could seriously tell they were both thinking "wow, I will so never be like that". Right then is when I wanted to shout JUST YOU WAIT!

Motherhood ain't always pretty, that's for sure. But I guess they'll have to learn that the hard way, like everyone else. :)

A huge hug and 'thank you' goes to Becca..and not just for the perfect redecoration but for helping me with my many photography questions and for inspiring me, through her blog, to start my own!

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